
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Laylatul Qadr ­ the Night of Power

The month of Ramzan has been singled out for special worship (`Ibadat) and exclusive favours. It is a month unlike other months. One reason for this, as defined by the Qur'an, is because the Holy Qur'an was revealed in this month. Says Allah in Sura al­Baqarah: The month of Ramadhan, that in which the Qur'an was sent down; a guidance for mankind, and clear signs of guidance and distinction (2:185). In fact, according to a hadith of the 6th Imam (a), the other holy books were also revealed in this month.

Among the nights of Ramzan is one special night, which is better than a thousand months (HQ, 97:3). Good deeds performed on that single night are equal to those performed over a thousand months. It is the Night of Power (Laylatul Qadr), when the Qur'an was revealed. Some commentators believe it was the night when the Qur'an was brought down from Baytul M`amur (Heavenly abode), for Jibrael to reveal in parts to the Prophet (s). Others say it was the night when the Prophet received the entire Qur'an, but was asked to transmit it as and when the occasion demanded.

Laylatul Qadr is a celebration to commemorate the arrival of the final guidance for humans. It is a tribute to the commencement of the message revealed to mankind by their Creator, a message which shows them the way to achieve happiness in both the worlds. Just as the arrival of a child is celebrated, on its birth and then every year, as a bringer of joy and fulfilment for the family, Laylatul Qadr is celebrated as a bringer of light and guidance for mankind. Unlike the birthday which is celebrated with a feast for the senses, Laylatul Qadr includes a feast for the spirit, a feast of worship and prayers.

Some hadith indicate that the fate of every believer for the coming year is decreed on this night. That is why the Du`as for this night ask for special favours in the decree for the year. Believers are encouraged to stay awake the entire night, and pray for blessings and forgiveness. It is the holiest night of the year, and it would be unwise to be heedless of the tremendous benefits of this night

25 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, make me among those who love Your friends, and hate Your enemies, following the way of Your last Prophet, O the Guardian of the hearts of the Prophets.

24 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, I ask You for what pleases You, and I seek refuge in You from what displeases You, I ask You to grant me the opportunity to obey You and not disobey You, O One who is generous with those who ask.

23 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, wash away my sins, purify me from all flaws, examine my heart with (for) the piety of the hearts, O One who overlooks the shortcomings of the sinners.

22 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, open for me the doors of Your Grace, send down on me its blessings, help me towards the causes of Your mercy, and give me a place in the comforts of Paradise, O the one who answers the call of the distressed.

21 Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, show me the way to win Your pleasure, do not let Shaytan have a means over me, make Paradise an abode and a resting place for me, O the One who fulfills the requests of the needy.

20 Day Ramazn Dua


O Allah, on this day, open for me the doors of the heavens, and lock the doors of Hell from me, help me to recite the Qur'an, O the One who sends down tranquility into the hearts of believers.

19 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, multiply for me its blessings, and ease my path towards its bounties, do not deprive me of the acceptance of its good deeds, O the Guide towards the clear truth.

18 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, awaken me with the blessings of its early mornings, Illuminate my heart with the brightness of its rays, let every part of my body follow its effects, by Your light, O the illuminator of the hearts of those who know.

17 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, guide me towards righteous actions, fulfil my needs and hopes, O One who does not need explanations nor questions, O One who knows what is in the chests of the (people of the) world. Bless Muhammad and his family, the Pure.

16 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, grant me compatability with the good, keep me away from patching up with the evil, lead me in it, by Your mercy, to the permanent abode, by Your Godship, O the God of the worlds.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

10 Ideas for Ramznan at your Workplace

Here are some Ideas that can help you share Ramadan with your boss and co-workers this year.

1. Begin informing people about it as soon as possible
Start telling bosses, supervisors and coworkers about Ramadan now. Bring it up in the course of conversation casually.
In terms of when Ramadan starts and ends, just give the projected date (i.e. for Ramadan this year, it's November 6th). Don't get non-Muslims involved in the technicalities of finding out the correct date. Do the same for Eid. You can decide for yourself which date to start and stop fasting on.

2. Post it up
On your office or department bulletin board, put up a factsheet on Ramadan, with a short introduction of yourself and which department you are from. Don't just give the facts, but also include a few sentences about what this blessed month means to you (i.e. spiritual growth, closeness to God, being more generous, etc.).

3. Get an article printed in your local newspaper and circulate copies
This will not only be good Dawa - it may even promote department/company pride (i.e. one of our employees is a writer too!). Post it up with the masthead of the newspaper on top.

4. Negotiate your lunch hour with the boss
This is another task that needs to be done as soon as possible. Explain that you will need a short break for prayer and then you will take lunch break at Iftar time.

5. Talk to the office cafeteria people about your Iftar needs
If you normally buy lunch at the cafeteria, explain to the cafeteria staff that you would like to arrange to have your lunch saved for Iftar time. Ask them to keep one serving of lunch in the fridge so you can pick it up at Iftar time.

6. Create a "Ramadan corner" at your desk
If you have your own desk at work, dedicate a corner of it that is accessible to passersby the "Ramadan corner". Put a basket of dates, sweets, written information on Ramadan and maybe a small frame of eye-catching Islamic calligraphy on it. Post a note inviting coworkers to the free sweets and information.

7. Have a small Iftar gathering at your desk
Invite coworkers to a snack of dates and fresh fruits during Iftar time. At least once, have a more formal meal ready for everyone (check with your boss before you do this).

8. Distribute written material on Ramadan
If you've got a central location in your workplace where people can pick up free newspapers, get permission to stack a factsheet and pamphlets on Ramadan.

You can also leave the sheets on the Ramadan corner of your desk.

9. Get a Ramadan greeting from your boss
Have your boss, commanding officer or head of the department issue a public notification that Ramadan is coming up or is here and they and the company congratulates all Muslim employees on this occasion.

10. Put an article about Ramadan in the office newsletter
If you have a company or department newsletter, write up a personal article about why you are looking forward to Ramadan and what Ramadan is. Then arrange for them to publish it.

7 Tips for a Healthier Ramadan

Healthier Ramadan

1. Eat Sehri
The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, highly recommend eating this pre-dawn meal before a day of fasting. While you may want to pass to catch some more sleep, remember that you can always take a catnap while you're fasting, but you won't be able to eat or drink. To make it easier, set out utensils and dry food on the table before going to bed so you can quickly eat and go back to sleep after Suhur.

2. Limit fat intake
That's right, limit it, don't cut it out. Otherwise, you'll have to get rid of what's considered "traditional" Iftar food in most Muslim cultures. If you're not sure what kind of food is being referred to, think fried, greasy and/or super sweet.

3. Follow the Prophet's golden rule of one-third
This especially needs to be said in Ramadan. We should strive to have no more than one-third food, one-third liquid and one-third air in our stomachs when eating.

4. Encourage dip-dunking
Fruits and vegetables get left to the wayside during regular days, let alone at Iftar time. But you can whip out those carrot sticks if you've got some tasty dips to eat them with. Check out some healthy recipes.

5. Walk after Iftar
Before you fall over from exhaustion after Iftar and dinner, take a short walk around the block or just around your building. The change of environment and exposure to fresh air may just wake you up in time to go for the next activity listed below.

6. Pray Tarawih
More great exercise, not to mention a wonderful way to build concentration, stamina and brotherhood/sisterhood.

7. Take a short afternoon nap
Experts say you don't need more than a 15-minute siesta to really refresh you. During lunch hour, find a quiet spot, set the alarm on your watch/cell phone and nap. This can help your body adjust to the daily Ramadan schedule that requires early waking for Suhur.

15 Ways to Make Ramzaan Special for your KIDS

Here are a couple of ideas to help make it special this year.

1. Hold a family meeting about Ramadan
A week before Ramadan, hold a family meeting to explain what Ramadan is, that the sighting of the moon indicates its beginning, what Muslims do and how the family's schedule will change. Also ask for suggestions of what everyone would like to do during the month. For instance, would they like to take a trip somewhere, eat a specific type of food, etc.

2. Welcome the month with balloons, banners and more
Say "Ramadan Mubarak" with the standard party fare: balloons, a great banner and decorations galore. Get the kids to help decorate the place and ask for their ideas and suggestions so they feel included.

3. Tell a Ramadan story during bedtime every night
Don't just rely on children's books about Ramadan to share stories. Describe what Ramadan was like when you were a kid. You can also make some tales up with your child as the main character in a Ramadan adventure!

4. Let them fast even a quarter of the day and celebrate
Kids often want to fast as they see their parents and older siblings do. This year, let them fast for a couple of hours. Prepare a special "Iftar" for them when they break fast with a couple of their favorite foods.

5. Make Ramadan loot bags for their class
Get their teacher's permission to make loot bags with Ramadan Mubarak written on them for the class. Fill it with candy, small toys and a little card explaining in two or three short sentences what Ramadan is. Have your child distribute the bags to their classmates.

6. Make a presentation about Ramadan in their class
See this article about how to do this.

7. Make Ramadan arts and crafts at home
Art is a great way to learn more about Ramadan. Have the kids make the different shapes of the moon and show which one indicates the beginning of the month, which one the middle and which one the end; make a collage of some of their favorite foods for Iftar; have them make special Ramadan placemats for the dinner table.

8. Make a family trip out of sighting the moon
Once the kids are dressed in their pajamas, herd them into the car and take them to where other Muslims in the city are gathering to sight the Ramadan moon. Do the same at the end of the month. Bring a telescope or binoculars.

9. Invite their friends over for a kids-only Iftar
Let your kids come up with the guest list and menu. Also, have them make some of the food. You can pick some kid-friendly recipes or they can help with preparing the parts of Iftar that don't require using a stove or cutting with knives.

10. Invite grandparents or elder community members over for Iftar
After everyone's eaten, hold a storytelling session where the guests describe what Ramadan was like when they were growing up. Ask them to be descriptive. How was Iftar time announced? In some countries, they use a drum. In other places a verbal announcement on a loudspeaker is made. What kind of food did they eat? What games did they play during Ramadan?

11. Make a Ramadan 2005 scrapbook
Take plenty of photos of everyone during Suhur (now that's entertaining!) and Iftar time, as well as while they are fasting and pieces of decorations used, interesting stickers, etc. to make a scrapbook about this Ramadan. Each child should bring three mementos he or she would like to include.

12. Remember the poor
Arrange with the kids to volunteer at a soup kitchen for a few hours on a Saturday or Sunday. If possible, try to find one that has children as its clients so they see that not only adults, but kids like themselves also suffer from hunger.

13. Make and send homemade Ramadan cards
Before the month starts, have an arts and crafts session to make Ramadan Mubarak cards for siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Send the cards soon though, time's running out!

14. Play Ramadan songs
When the kids are playing or involved in some leisure activity, turn off the usual fare and put on some beautiful Ramadan songs in English and your own language if available. Maybe you can ask the kids to memorize one song by the end of Ramadan or compose one of their own.

15. Take them to Tarawih prayer so they feel they're part of a community
Nothing teaches community spirit like congregational prayer. Take the kids with you to the mosque for Tarawih prayer on Friday and Saturday nights when homework isn't an issue. Also, ask them to bring some of their allowance to give in charity while they're there.

Friday, September 21, 2007

How Ramzan is celebrated? What is Roza?

The Muslims are ordained to observe fast for 29 or 30 days (depending on the sighting of the moon) starting with the sighting of the new moon and end it after seeing the new moon, the next month. This Fasting is called 'Roza'. It is the month for self-introspection and self-restraint, penance and prayers. The roza is broken at the end of the day eating food or snacks. This meal or snacks called the iftaar and everybody share the meal with family members, relatives and dear ones.
Celebrated all over India, Eid-ul-Fitr is a very happy festival, especially for children who get gifts and money called 'Eidy' after having joined the elders at mass prayers and paying their respects to them. The bazaars are decked out and people go to Eid prayers in new clothes and accessories creating an atmosphere of colourful joy, happiness and brotherhood.

Prayers are held at all mosques in all over India, like in the Jama Masjid, Delhi where the scene is that of a fair: festivities, games and shops or stalls for children and adults. Eid-ul-Fitr brings a message of peace, friendship and brotherhood, which is displayed by 'Eid-Milan', literally meaning, 'embracing and celebrating together'. This is done after Eid prayers when all embrace each other at the mosque. Friends and business acquaintances of all faiths and communities are invited home for Eid-Milan and are served festive food including 'Sewaiyaan' (vermicelli/noodles cooked in ghee and milk with sugar), also known as 'Paisam' in Southern India.

The last 10 days of Ramzan are more important as the faithful watch for Lailathul Qadr (the Night of Power) during which the revelation of the book to the Prophet was completed. In a way it is considered the climax of Ramzan and Muslims keep awake all night praying or listening to sermons by Ulema or the high priest.

Why Ramzan is Important to Muslims?

This month holds importance because it was during this month that the Holy Quraan, the word of Allah for mankind, was revealed through the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). So during this month recitation of the Quraan is also done. The whole month becomes auspacious with everybody observing Roza and namaaz and all are filled with the spirit of piety and reverence.

15 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, grant me the obedience of the humble expand my chest through the repentance of the humble, by Your security, O the shelter of the fearful.

14 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, do not condemn me for slips, make me decrease mistakes and errors, do not make me a target for afflictions and troubles, by Your honor, O the honor of the Muslims.

13 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, purify me from uncleanliness and dirt, make me patient over events that are decreed, grant me the ability to be pious, and keep company with the good, by Your help, O the beloved of the destitute.

12 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, beautify me with covering and chastity, cover me with the clothes of contentment and chastity, let me adhere to justice and fairness, and keep me safe from all that I fear, by Your protection, O the protector of the frightened.

11 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, make me love goodness, and dislike corruption and disobedience, bar me from anger and the fire [of Hell], by Your help, O the helper of those who seek help.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Do 5 Things Before Sleeping

Once, Prophet Mohammad (Sal-lal-laaho-Alaih-e-W-sallam), said to Ali (razi-Allaho-anho):
Ali ! Do 5 Works before Sleeping,

(1) Daily. Give 4000 Dinar Alms/sacrifice (sadqaa) daily before sleeping.
(2) Read whole Qur'aan one time daily before sleeping.
(3) Pay price of Jannah, daily before sleeping.
(4) Make a truce/peace between two fighting men daily before sleeping.
(5) Perform a Hajj daily before sleeping.
Then Ali (razi-Allaho-anho) requested Ya' RasoolAllah (Sal-lal-laaho-Alaih-e-W-sallam) It is very hard to do how can I'll do all this?
Prophet Mohammad (Sal-lal-laaho-Alaih-e-W'sallam) replied:
(1) Read "Sura-e-Fatiha" 4 times..... Its equal to sacrifice 4000 dinars.
(2) Read "Sura-e-Ikhlaas" 3 times.... Its equal to read Quran one time.
(3) Read "Durood-e-Pak" 10 times..... Its equal to pay price of Jannah.
(4) Read "Astagfaar" (Astagfaar =Astag firul'lahaa rabbi min kul'ly zanmbin w'atubu elaihe) 10 times..... Its equal to make truce/peace
between 2 fighting men.
(5) Read "4rth Kalima" 4 times..... Its equal to perform Hajj.

Fake Islamic websites

Muslim(s) around the world could be receiving false information about Islam,
These sites have been developed by the Jews Who Intentionally spread wrong information about the QURAN, the HADITH and the Islam
Please spread this information To all the Muslim brothers and sisters around the world.
Al ways check the source of any Islamic web site even if it is very convincing.

Valueable Pictures

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Consequence of Breaking the Fast of Ramadan

Ibn `Abbas reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "The bare essence of Islam and the basics of the religion are three [acts], upon which Islam has been established. Whoever leaves one of them becomes an unbeliever and his blood may legally be spilled. [The acts are:] Testifying that there is no God except Allah, the obligatory prayers, and the fast of Ramadan." (Related by Abu Ya'la and Ad-Dailimi. Adh-Dhahabi and classified as Sahih.)

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Whoever breaks his fast during Ramadan without having one of the excuses that Allah would excuse him for, then even a perpetual fast, if he were to fast it, would not make up for that day." (Related by Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, and At-Tirmidhi.)

Al-Bukhari records from Abu Hurairah in Marfu` form: "Whoever breaks the fast of Ramadan without having a legitimate excuse or being ill, he cannot make up for that day, even if he were to undertake a perpetual fast." Ibn Mas`ud has also reported this.

Adh-Dhahabi says: "According to the established believers, anyone who leaves the fast of Ramadan without being sick is worse than a fornicator or an alcoholic. In fact, they doubt his Islam and they suspect that he might be a Zandaqah and one of those who destroy [Islam].

Benifit of Salaah

Dr. Zakir Naik

There are several medical benefits of Salat (Namaz):- of offering Salah and as every Muslim knows that the best part of Salah is the sujood, that is the prostration.

No wonder the Quran has mentioned the word sujood, prostration no less then 90 times in the glorious Quran. Where [do] you do sujood in the Salah? Normally when you [stand] erect, blood does flow into the brain but it is not sufficient for a healthy brain. During Salah when you [go into] sujood extra blood flows into the brain, which is very important for [a] healthy brain. When you do sujood, this extra blood supply to the skin on the face [helps] prevent diseases such as chilblain etc.

When you do sujood there is drainage of sinuses and there are fewer chances that a person will have sinusitis, that is inflammation of the sinus, this drainage of module sinus, of the frontal sinus, and a person has less chances of having inflammation of the sinus, that is sinusitis.

There are various benefits. [For example], when a person does sujood even the bronchitis's, the secretion of the bronchitis, they get drained, there are less chances of having bronchitis.

When a person breathes normally only two thirds of the capacity of the lung is exhaled out, the remaining one third remain in the lung as a residual air, now when you do sujood the abdominal visra, they press against the diaphragm and the diaphragm presses against the lower part of the lungs, the lower lobes, and when you breath during sujood even this one third residual air is aired out and that's very important for a healthy lung. There are less chances of having diseases of the lungs.

When you do sujood, there is increased venes return there is less chance of having hernia, etc. Due to posture in sujood there is less chances of having hemorrhoid, that is piles.

In a salah we stand up and we sit down, do qayam, rukuh, sujood and when we stand up from same position the weight is localized on the bottom of the feet and the calve muscle and the thigh muscle are activated and they increase the blood supply to the lower part of the body, which is very important. Further we do various postures like standing erect, bowing down, prostrating, the vertebra column takes various postures and there are less chances of having disease of the vertebrae, of the spine.

There are medical benefits [and] you can give a talk only on this topic. But we Muslims, we offer Salah to thank Allah (SWT), to praise Him. These are just side dishes. They are like dessert. You know it may attract a person who is a non-Muslim, towards Salah but our main meal, our main biryani, our main course is to thank Allah (SWT) and to obey the commandments of Allah and the Prophet. That is the reason we offer Salah.

Why 5 times daily salat:-

As I mentioned in the earlier episode that Salah is a sort of programming towards righteousness, that we are programmed towards righteousness. And the requirement [is] that it should be repeated [a] minimum [of] 5 times a day. For example for a very healthy body, a doctor will tell you, you require [a] minimum [of] 3 meals a day. Similarly for a spiritual soul, a person is required to offer Salah 5 times a day. And the requirement is, [that] there are chances that because of the evil in the society around us, we may get de-programmed. So if we are kept on being re-programmed, there are more chances that you will remain [steadfast on the] Sirat al mustaqeem, on the straight path. Therefore it is compulsory that every Muslim should offer Salah [a] minimum [of] 5 times a day.

Doesn't Salat disturb my job productivity. If you know the rules of management, [you will know] that a person cannot work continuously for hours together. If a person comes to office at 9 o'clock in the morning and sits till 6 o'clock in the evening, continuously for 9 hours, in fact he will be less productive. That is the reason that there are some short breaks given in between. So a person can get re-created, you know we have recreation. Similarly Salah is a sort of recreation. It rejuvenates you. If someone tells me that I am losing time, I am less productive, because I waste 15 minutes having lunch break, I would say that he is not a logical person because only if he has meals regularly, can he do more work. Similarly if a person offers Salah at intervals, I do agree he may have to work for a few minutes but when he stops and he comes back to work he works with a much better frame of mind and productivity overall will be much better. So for a logical person and a modern person he has to agree that there should be breaks so that a person can get recreated and Salah is the best form of rejuvenating your mind.


Important Of Azaan

The Holy Prophet (SAW) said, Stop doing everything during the Azaan, even reading the Quran, the person who talks during the Azaan will not be able to say the Kalima E Shahada on his/her death bed....Please be Quiet During the Azaan

Paradise Is At the Feet of Mothers

A man once consulted the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about taking part in a
military campaign. The Prophet asked the man if his mother was still
living. When told that she was alive, the Prophet (PBUH) said: "(Then)
stay with her, for Paradise is at her feet." (Al-Tirmidhi) On another
occasion, the Prophet (PBUH) said: "God has forbidden for you to be
undutiful to your mothers." (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

One of the things I have always appreciated about my adopted faith is
not only its emphasis on maintaining the bonds of kinship, but also the
high regard in which women, particularly mothers, are held. The Quran,
Islam's revealed text, states: "And revere the wombs that bore you, for
God is ever watchful over you." (4:1)

It should be obvious that our parents deserve our utmost respect and
devotion - second only to God. Speaking in the Quran, God says: "Show
gratitude to Me and to thy parents; to Me is thy final Goal." (31:14)

The fact that God has mentioned parents in the same verse as Himself
shows the extent to which we should strive in our efforts to serve the
mothers and fathers who sacrificed so much for us. Doing so will help us
to become better people.

In that same verse, God says: "We have enjoined on man (to be good) to
his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him."

In other words, the debt we owe to our mothers is magnified due to the
difficult nature of pregnancy - not to mention the nurturing and
attention paid to us in infancy.

Another narration, or "Hadith," from the life of the Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) again shows us just how much we owe to our mothers.

A man once asked the Prophet (PBUH) to whom he should show the most
kindness. The Prophet replied: "Your mother, next your mother, next your
mother, and then your father." (Sunan of Abu-Dawood) In other words, we
must treat our mothers in a manner befitting their exalted position -
and, again, revere the wombs that bore us.

The Arabic word for womb is "rahem." Rahem is derived from the word for
mercy. In Islamic tradition, one of God's 99 names is "Al-Raheem," or
"the Most Merciful."

There exists, therefore, a unique connection between God and the womb.
Through the womb, we get a glimpse of the Almighty's qualities and
attributes. It nurtures, feeds and shelters us in the early stages of
life. The womb can be viewed as one manifestation of divinity in the world.

One cannot help but make the parallel between a Loving God and a
compassionate Mother. Interestingly, the Quran does not portray God as
exclusively male or female. As a matter of fact, by revering our
mothers, we are paying respect to God.

Each of us should appreciate what we have in our mothers. They are our
teachers and our role models. Every day with them is an opportunity to
grow as a person. Every day away from them is a missed opportunity.

For me, Islam is the best reminder of my mother's presence. With daily
encouragement from the Quran and the living example of the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH), I know I will always keep her memory close to my heart.
She is my rahem, my connection to the divine. On this Mother's Day, I am
grateful for the occasion to reflect on that

Namaz Salah

Salah (namāz : صلوة) is the ritual prayer practised by Muslims in supplication to Allah. The term is commonly used to refer to the five daily prayers, which are compulsory upon all mature Muslims. Salah is considered the most important act of worship in Islam and its importance is such that under very few circumstances can it be omitted.

Salah is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Islamic Downloads:Ramzan Wallpapers

Another Wallpaper Pack from . Feel free to use the Wallpapers (backgrounds) as desktop wallpaper(to ownload please click on the Wallpaper). more wallpapers and Audios and other Stuffs will be Available Very soon.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

3 Questions?

There was a young man who went overseas to study for quite a
long time. When he returned, he asked his parents to find him a religious
scholar or any expert who could answer his 3 questions. Finally, his parents
were able to find a Muslim scholar.

Young man: Who are you? Can you answer my questions?
Scholar: I am one of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala)'s slaves and
insha-Allah (God willing), I will be able to answer your questions.
Young man: Are you sure? A lot of Professors and experts were
not able to answer my questions.
Scholar: I will try my best, with the help of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala).

Young Man: I have 3 questions:
1. Does God exist? If so, show me His shape.
2. What is takdir (fate)?
3. If Shaitan (Devil) was created from the fire, why at the end
he will be thrown to hell that also created from fire. It certainly will
not hurt him at all, since Shaitan (Devil) and the hell were created from
fire. Did God not think of it this far
suddenly; the Scholar slapped the young man's face very hard.
Young Man (feeling pain): Why do you get angry at me?
Scholar: I am not angry. The slap is my answer to your three
Young Man: I really don't understand.
Scholar: How do you feel after I slapped you?
Young Man: Of course, I felt the pain.
Scholar: So do you believe that pain exists?
Young Man: Yes.
Scholar: Show me the shape of the pain!
Young Man: I cannot.
Scholar: That is my first answer. All of us feel God's existence
without being able to see His shape.
Scholar: Last night, did you dream that you will be slapped by
Young Man: No.
Scholar: Did you ever think that you will get a slap from me,
Young Man: No.
Scholar: That is takdir (fate).
Scholar: My hand that I used to slap you, what is it created

Young Man: It is created from skin.
Scholar: How about your face, what is it created from?
Young Man: Skin.
Scholar: How do you feel after I slapped you?
Young Man: In pain.
Scholar: Even though Shaitan (Devil) and also the hell were
created from the fire, if Allah wants, insha-Allah (God willing), the hell
will become a very painful place for Shaitan (Devil).

Everyone needs this List to live

The most Destructive Habit................... Worry
The Greatest Joy............................. Giving
The Greatest loss................ Loss of self-respect
The most Satisfying work............... Helping others
The Ugliest personality trait............. Selfishness
The Most endangered Species......... Dedicated leaders
Our Greatest natural resource............... Our youth
The Greatest shot in the arm"........... Encouragement
The Greatest problem to overcome................. Fear
The most effective Sleeping pill........ Peace of mind
The most Crippling failure Disease............ Excuses
The most powerful force in life.................. Love
The most dangerous pariah.................. A gossiper
The world's most incredible computer........ The brain
The worst thing to be without................... Hope
The deadliest weapon....................... The tongue
The two most power-filled words............... "I Can"
The Greatest Asset.............................. Faith (Iman)
The most Worthless Emotion.................. Self-pity
The most Beautiful attire...................... SMILE!
The most Prized posession................... Integrity
The most Powerful channel of Communication..... Prayer
The most Contagious spirit................. Enthusiasm
The most Important thing in Life.................. ALLAH

Islamic Downloads:Ramzan Wallpapers

Welcome to . This website brings You Good Quality Islamic wallpapers. Feel free to use the Wallpapers (backgrounds) as desktop wallpaper(to ownload please click on the Wallpaper). more wallpapers and Audios and other Stuffs will be Available Very soon.

Ramzan Poems

Aaya Hai Maheena Rehmaton Ka,..
Chaaya Hai Samaa Barkaton Ka,..

Roze Aur Namazon Se Abaad Hai Masjidein,..
Manaainge Sab Milkar Yahan Eidein..

Utara Quran Ko Khuda Ne Is Maheene Mein..
Chaai Hai Dekho Khusbooein Aaj Madeene Mein..

Neakiaan Kamalo Jitna Tum Kamaa Sako,..
Buland Karlo Apne Darje Jitne Tum Jamaa sako,..

Saal Mein 30 Din Aata Hai Ramzan Ka...
Jo Yaad Dilaata Hai Duniyaa Mein Aana Quran Ka,..

Kaid Kar Leta Hai Khuda sab Saitaano Ko Is Maheene Me,
Khol Deta hai Jannath ke Darwaaze Khushbooein Dene Ko,..
Ae Khuda Aaya Hoon Main Bhi Tere Dar Par Rehmatein Lene Ko,..

Khali Nahi Jaati Kisi Ki Bhi Muraad Ramzaan Mein,..
Bharega Neakion Ka Palda sabka Mizaan meon..

Chalo sab Roze Rakho Yaad Karo Khuda Ko,..
Is Maheene Mein Baksh Deta Hai Wo Sab Ke Gunaahon Ko..

10th Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, make me, among those who rely on You, from those who You consider successful, and place me among those who are near to you, by Your favour, O goal of the seekers.

9th day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, grant me a share from Your mercy which is wide, guide me towards Your shining proofs, lead me to Your all encompassing pleasure, by Your love, O the hope of the desirous

8th Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, let me have mercy on the orphans, and feed [the hungry], and spread peace, and keep company with the noble­minded, O the shelter of the hopeful.

7th Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, help me with its fasts and prayers, and keep me away from mistakes and sins of the day, grant me that I remember You continously through the day, by Your assistance, O the Guide of those who stray.

6th day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, do not let me abase myself by incurring Your disobedience, and do not strike me with the whip of Your punishment, keep me away from the causes of Your anger, by Your kindness and Your power, O the ultimate wish of those who desire.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Zakat al-Fitrah FAQ

Q. What is Zakat al-Fitrah?
A: It is religious tax/alms (Zakat) paid on the day when Muslims break the fasting period at the end of the month of Ramadan. This alms is known as Zakat al-Fitrah.

Q. What do the Qur'an and Hadith say about Fitrah?
A: Imams (as) say that the verses: Indeed whosoever purifies himself shall achieve success, and glorifies the Name of his Lord and prays (87:14 & 15) refer to giving of Fitrah and saying prayers on Eid al-Fitr. Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S.) said: for your fast to be accepted, give zakat.

Q. When does Fitrah become wajib (obligatroy)?
A. Payment of Fitrah becomes obligatory after sunset on the eve of Eid al-Fitr. The Fitrah should be kept aside and paid on Eid al-Fitr before Eid prayers or before midday for those who cannot say their Eid prayers. It is necessary to have obligatory intention (Niyyah) of giving Fitrah for God's pleasure only.

Q. What happens if someone forgets or does not give Fitrah on time?
A. If one does not give out or set aside the Fitrah within the due time, he should give the Fitrah later, on the basis of precaution, without making the niyyah of adaa or qadhaa but only Qurbatan Ilallah.

Q. Can we give Fitrah in advance?
A. Giving Fitrah before the eve of Eid al-Fitr is not permissible. However, if you wish to send Fitrah earlier so that it reaches the needy on time, then you can send it as a temporary loan to the needy and then change your intention from loan to Fitrah on the eve of Eid al-Fitr.

Q. To whom is Fitrah obligatroy?
A. Paying Fitrah is obligatory on every Muslim who is mature (baligh), sane, financially able, and conscious on the eve of Eid al-Fitr. Fitrah should also be paid on behalf of all dependents (e.g. wife, children) whom one supports financially.

Q. When is a host required to pay Fitrah for his guest?
A. If a person invites another person to his house on the eve of Eid al-Fitr and if the guest is present at the host's place at the time of the sunset then it is obligatory for the host to pay Fitrah for his guest.

Q. What happens if the guest arrives after the sunset on Eid night?
A. In this case the guest will pay his/her own Fitrah and it is not obligatory on the host to pay Fitrah for the guest.

Q. How much should we pay for Fitrah?
A. Fitrah for a person is given on a weight of three kilograms (one sa'a) on any food commodity like wheat, barley, rice, millet, raisins or dates. Ayatullah Sayyid As-Sistani is of the opinion that the item that is not a staple food in your town should not be given in Fitrah. Say, for example, if millet is not a staple in Vancouver then Vancouver Mumineen should not pay Fitrah on millet.

Q. Who should not be given the Fitrah?
A. A needy who: consumes alcohol, does not say his daily prayers (salat), commits sins openly, or he who is known to use the Fitrah in sinful way.

Q. Are there any additional rules that we need to be aware of?
A. Following are some important rules:
(i) Fitrah should not be sent outside the town one resides in, if there are deserving Mumineen in that town.
(ii) Fitrah from a non-Sayyid cannot be given to a needy Sayyid; the reverse is permissible.
(iii) A needy should be given at least one Fitrah.
(iv) Amongst the needy, relatives should be preferred over others when giving Fitrah, next in line are neighbors and then the learned.


Islam commands us to be GRATEFUL to ALLAH by using His favours in proper manners. We should share ALLAH's favours on us, with others. Allah can provide them (needy ones) better than what He has given to us, but He wants to test us: Is the love of Allah more in our hearts or the love of Dollars?

Sadaqah al-Fitr (voluntary charity) is a very important part of Fasting in Ramadan. One very important aspect of fasting is that we become aware of how poor people feel. Poverty is a cause of many problems.

Al Hamdulillah, Islam has really solved the big problem of Slavery. And Insha Allah, Poverty will be solved.

Avoid list during the month of Ramadan

  1. Reduce watching TV, instead spend more time reading the Quran other Islamic literature.
  2. Avoid looking at unlawful pictures, whether magazines, department store catalogs or otherwise.
  3. Avoid going to theaters; instead go to Masajid, Islamic organizations and make that a daily habit.
  4. Avoid eating too much. Eat only when you are hungry and try not to fill your stomach completely.
  5. If you drink Coffee, Tea or Soda, be sure to reduce consumption.
  6. If you smoke, try to reduce daily usage; otherwise Ramadan will be very difficult for you to observe.
  7. If you like to listen to music, whether the style of western societies or even those from Muslim countries, reduce, even eliminate the time you spent on them; replace them with reciting and listening to recitation from the Quran.
  8. If you enjoy playing cards and board games try your best to avoid them as much as possible and fill your time with something useful.
  9. If you enjoy going with friends to picnics and other social gatherings, try to reduce it before Ramadan; otherwise fasting the month of Ramadan will be more difficult.
  10. If you have friends who do not practice the teaching of Islam, try to avoid socializing with them.
  11. If you travel a lot on business, try to do more local business, so you can be more closer to your family and community.
  12. If you are used to staying up till midnight, try to go to bed earlier, so that you will be able to wake up early for Salat al-Fajr and Tahajjud prayers as well.

Few Tips for RAMZAN (DO's)

A Quick preparation list for the month of Ramadan

Ramadan is the month of excitement for Muslims. Ramadan is the month of revelation of Quran, the month of reading and reciting the whole Quran, the month of Tahajjud and Qiyam al-layl prayers, Sadaqah,Zakah al -fitr and Zakah al-Mal. Ramadan is also a month of social activities among Muslims.
  1. Start reading Quran daily after Salat al-Fajr.
  2. Spend some time listening to recitations from the Quran.
  3. Train yourself to go bed early so that you can wake up far Salat al-Fajr.
  4. Keep yourself in a state of Wudu (Ablution) most of the time.
  5. Evaluate yourself daily before going bed.
  6. Thank Allah for good deeds, and repent to Him for your mistakes and sins.
  7. Start giving Sadaqah daily, no matter how little. Make it a habit like eating and drinking.
  8. Find time to pray extras, such as Tahajjud prayers.
  9. Spend more time reading Islamic books, especially the Quran, Sirah, Hadith, and Fiqh.
  10. Find time to help others with your wisdom, knowledge and other talents.
  11. Try to write articles on Islam for Muslims as well as for non-Muslims.
  12. Associate with Muslim scholars / ulama and other pious people so that you may learn from them.
  13. Train yourself to do good, render free service to others to seek the pleasure of Allah.

A Common Problem - Bad Breath while Ramadhan Fasting

During the holy month of Ramadhan, Muslims all over the world will be fasting. One of the most common complaints during fasting is the bad breath that people experience. This condition, in medical terms, is called halitosis. What causes bad breath and how can it be prevented?

Causes of bad breath can be broadly classified into local causes and systemic causes. Causative factors within the mouth are termed local causes. Causes due to factors or diseases of the body, such as diabetes, smoking, kidney disease and stomach upset are known as systemic causes. We will be limiting our discussion to local causes only.

Local Causes: Within the human mouth there are numerous kinds of bacteria, which, as by-products, give out sulphides and ammonia which are the main causes of bad breath. Hence the amount of bacteria has to be controlled, and conditions that cause them to thrive have to be eliminated.

These factors are:

  1. Poor oral hygiene caused by not brushing or improper tooth brushing technique.
  2. A dirty tongue.
  3. Cavities in the teeth.
  4. Gum disease caused by plaque and tartar.
  5. Dirty dentures, false teeth and other fixed appliances in the mouth.

After having identified the causes, we can now deal with how to prevent bad breath, especially while fasting:

  1. Brushing one's teeth after every meal, preferably early morning (at Sehri time).
  2. Flossing one's teeth which mean cleaning between the teeth using special thread called dental floss. Use of toothpicks is not advisable for this purpose.
  3. Use of a tongue or using a toothbrush to clean the tongue.
  4. Use of an anti-bacterial mouthwash. A non-alcoholic mouthwash should be used as alcohol causes a dry mouth which can aggravate the problem.
  5. Cavities in the teeth should be filled promptly to prevent food accumulation within them.
  6. Removal of tartar on teeth by a dentist at least once every six months.
  7. Drink at least 2-3 glasses of water at Sehri time.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

IFTAR or IFTAREE (Breaking of Fast)

Iftar, refers to the evening meal for breaking the daily fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan. Or a meal served at the end of the fasting day during Ramadan, to break the day's fast. Literally, "breakfast." Iftar during Ramadan is often done as a community, with Muslims gathering to break their fast together. . It is better to offer 'Magrib Namaz/salat' and then break one's fast, preferably with water, milk or Dates.

The following Dua may be recited at the time of breaking one's fast



Sehri (Pre-Dawn Meal)

Sehri is not a condition for fasting; it is Sunnat. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) partook of sehri and encouraged others to do it. He (pbuh) said: "Take sehri, for verily there is a blessing in sehri."

Hence always take Saheree food, even if very little or just a sip of water. Because it distinguishes us from other religions.

Sehri is a sunnah and to delay it is also a sunnah. This is what will strengthen the fasting Muslim, and would lessen the hardship of fasting. It would also lessen the time period of thirst and hunger.

Since Islam is based on easiness and has come with rules that make the acts of worship easy for people, a Muslim is advised to delay the sehri and hasten the Iftar (breaking the Fast) . So it is a sunnah for the fasting Muslim to get up for sehri and have something to eat, even if he or she would take a small edible thing like a date or a sip of water. If he or she does this, he or she would have done fulfilled the sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

5 Day Ramazn Dua


O Allah, on this day, place me among those who seek forgiveness. Place me among Your righteous and obedient servants, and place me among Your close friends, by Your kindness, O the most Merciful.

4 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, strengthen me in carrying out Your commands, let me taste the sweetness of Your rememberance, grant me, through Your graciousness, that I give thanks to You. Protect me, with Your protection and cover, O the most discerning of those who see.

3 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, grant me wisdom and awareness, keep me away from foolishness and pretention, grant me a share in every blessing You send down, by You generosity, O the most Generous.

2 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day, take me closer towards Your pleasure, keep me away from Your anger and punishment, grant me the opportunity to recite Your verses (of the Qur'an), by Your mercy, O the most Merciful.

1 Day Ramzan Dua


O Allah, on this day make my fasts the fasts of those who fast (sincerely), and my standing up in prayer of those who stand up in prayer (obediently), awaken me in it from the sleep of the heedless, and forgive me my sins , O God of the worlds, and forgive me, O one who forgives the sinners.

Ramzan Mubarak

Coming with the new moon, the festival marks the end of 'Ramadan' - a month when Muslims fast throughout the day and eat only at night Prayers, feasts and family get- together are the major highlights of the celebrations. It was during this month that the holy Quran was revealedproviding guidance for the people, clear teachings.

Every day during the month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world break their fast when the fourth prayer of the day,Maghrib, is due. They eat before the sun comes up at a certain time and they eat before a certain time and after a certain time during the night.

During Ramadan, Muslims are also expected to put more effort into following the teachings of Islam as well as refraining from Anger,Envy,Greed,Lust & Gossip.

Beautiful Names of Allah

A collection of the Ninety-nine Most Beautiful Names of Allah, in English, with a brief explaination of each one.
1. ALLAH- Allah.
2. AR-RAHMAN - The Beneficent.
He who gives blessings and prosperity to all beings without showing disparity.
3. AR-RAHIM - The Merciful.
He who gives blessings and prosperity, particularly to those who use these gifts as Allah has said, and is merciful to the believers in the hereafter.
4. AL-MALIK - The Sovereign Lord.
He who is the absolute king of the entire universe.
5. AL-QUDDUS - The Holy.
He who is free from all error, absentmindedness, is free from incapability and from any kind of defect.
6. AS-SALAM - The Source of Peace.
He who frees his servants from all danger and obstruction. He who gives His greeting to those fortunate people in heaven.
7. AL-MUMIN - The Guardian of Faith.
He who places faith in the heart of His servants, protects those who seek refuge in Him, and gives tranquillity.
8. AL-MUHAYMIN - The Protector.
He who watches over and protects all things.
9. AL-AZIZ - The Mighty.
The Unconquerable.
10. AL-JABBAR - The Compeller.
He who repairs all broken things, who completes that which is incomplete, and who has the ability, with force, to make people do whatever He wants.
11. AL-MUTAKABBIR - The Majestic.
He who shows His greatness in all things and in all ways.
12. AL-KHALIQ - The Creator.
He who creates everything from nothing and creates all things with the knowledge of what will happen to them.
13. AL-BARI - The Evolver.
He who creates all things in proportion.
14. AL-MUSAWWIR - The Fashioner.
He who designs all things.
15. AL-GHAFFAR - The Forgiver.
He who is all-forgiving.
16. AL-QAHHAR - The Subduer.
He who is victorious and dominant in a way that He can do anything He wills.
17. AL-WAHHAB - The Bestower.
He who donates all blessings to His creatures.
18. AR-RAZZAQ - The Provider.
He who provides all things beneficial to His creatures.
19. AL-FATTAH - The Opener.
He who opens the solution to all problems, and eliminates obstacles.
20. AL-ALIM - The All-Knowing.
He who is all knowing.
21. AL-QABID - The Constrictor.
He who constricts.
22. AL-BASIT - The Expander.
He who is the expander.
23. AL-KHAFID - The Abaser.
He who diminishes or decreases.
24. AL-RAFI - The Exalter.
He who uplifts.
25. AL-MUIZZ - The Honorer.
He who makes one glorious, gives dignity, and treats one with respect.
26. AL-MUZILL - The Dishonorer.
He who lowers and puts one in abasement and degradation.
27. AS-SAMI - The All-Hearing.
He who hears everything.
28. AL-BASIR - The All-Seeing.
He who sees everything.
29. AL-HAKAM - The Judge.
He who judges and provides what is due.
30. AL-ADL - The Just.
The just one.
31. AL-LATIF - The Subtle One.
He who knows the delicate meanings of everything. He who creates things most subtly, which cannot be understood by people, and He who gives blessings to people in the most subtle
33. AL-KHABIR - The Aware.
He who has knowledge of the most secret parts of everything, and knows their inner meanings.
33. AL-HALIM - The Forbearing One.
He who is clement.
34. AL-AZIM - The Great One.
He who is magnificent.
35. AL-GHAFUR - The All-Forgiving.
He who forgives all.
36. ASH-SHAKUR - The Appreciative.
He who is grateful and gives rewards for deeds done for Him.
37. AL-ALIYY - The Most High.
He who is most high.
38. AL-KABIR - The Most Great.
He who is most great.
39. AL-HAFIZ - The Preserver.
He who preserves all things in detail, and for a time preserves them from misfortune and calamity.
40. AL-MUQIT - The Maintainer.
He who sustains.
41. AL-HASIB -
The Reckoner.
He who knows in detail the account of things people do throughout their lives.
42. AL-JALIL - The Sublime One.
He who has wealth, dominion and holiness.
43. AL-KARIM - The Generous One.
He who is generous.
44. AR-RAQIB - The Watchful.
He who observes all creatures, and every action is under His control.
45. AL-MUJIB - The Responsive.
The One who responds to every need.
46. AL-WASI - The All-Embracing.
He who has limitless capacity and abundance.
47. AL-HAKIM - The Wise.
He who has wisdom in all orders and actions.
48. AL-WADUD - The Loving.
He who loves those who do good and bestows on them His compassion. He who is the only one who should be loved and whose friendship is to be earned.
49. AL-MAJID - The Most Glorious One.
He who is most glorious.
50. AL-BAITH - The Resurrector.
He who gives life to all creatures on the judgment day.
51. ASH-SHAHID - The Witness.
He who is present everywhere and observes all things.
52. AL-HAQQ - The Truth.
He whose existence has no change.
53. AL-WAKIL - The Trustee.
He who provides a means to solve all problems in the best way.
54. AL-QAWI - The Most Strong.
55. AL-MATIN - The Firm One.
56. AL-WALI - The Protecting Friend.
He who is the Friend of His righteous servants.
57. AL-HAMID - The Praiseworthy.
He who is the only one to be praised and glorified and thanked by all creatures.
58. AL-MUHSI - The Reckoner.
He who knows the number of all things although they cannot be counted, and knows each of them.
59. AL-MUBDI - The Originator.
He who has created for the first time all beings from nothing and without any model.
60. AL-MU'ID - The Restorer.
He who restores all beings.
61. AL-MUHYI - The Giver of Life.
He who gives life and health.
62. AL-MUMIT - The Creator of Death.
He who creates death.
63. AL-HAYY - The Alive.
He is all-knowing and His strength is sufficient for everything.
64. AL-QAYYUM - The Self-Subsisting.
He who holds the entire universe.
65. AL-WAJID - The Finder.
He who finds whatever He wants in the time He desires.
66. AL-MAJID - The Noble.
He whose highness is great, who is beneficent, and His munificence is rich.
67. AL-WAHID - The Unique.
He who is One in His actions, His Names, who has no partner or equal in His attributes, personality and orders.
68. AS-SAMAD - The Eternal.
He who is the only being to apply to if one has any need to be competed or any troubles to be eliminated.
69. AL-QADIR - The Able.
He who is able to do anything in the way He wills.
70. AL-MUQTADIR - The Powerful.
He who is more powerful than any being.
71. AL-MUQADDIM - The Expediter.
72. AL-MUAKHKHIR - The Delayer.
He who delays whatever He wants.
73. AL-AWWAL - The First.
74. AL-AKHIR - The Last.
75. AZ-ZAHIR - The Manifest.
76. AL-BATIN - The Hidden.
77. AL-WALI - The Governor.
He who directs, manages, conducts, governs, measures, plans every action which happens at any moment in the entire universe.
78. AL-MUTA'ALI - The Most Exalted.
He who is higher than any action, manner or condition, and any thought that any being may have. This Name indicates that Allah is higher than the most evolved thought of man.
79. AL-BARR - The Source of All Goodness.
He who is tolerant to His servants, to all creatures, and is good to them.
80. AT-TAWWAB - The Acceptor of Repentance.
81. AL-MUNTAQIM - The Avenger.
He who punishes wrongdoers.
82. AL-AFUW - The Pardoner.
He who pardons all who repent sincerely as if they had no previous sin.
83. AR-RAUF - The Compassionate.
He who is benign.
84. MALIK-UL-MULK - The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty.
85. DHUL-JALAL-WAL-IKRAM - The Lord of Majesty and Honour.
86. AL-MUQSIT - The Equitable.
He who does His work accordingly and in a balanced way.
87. AL-JAMI - The Gatherer.
He who collects things, gathers them, anywhere He wants, at any time.
88. AL-GHANI - The Self-Sufficient.
89. AL-MUGHNI - The Enricher.
90. AL-MANI - The Preventer.
91. AD-DARR - The Distresser.
He who creates that which makes one despondent.
92. AN-NAFI - The Propitious.
He who creates all things which provide goodness and benefit.
93. AN-NUR - The Light.
He who provides divine light to the entire universe; to the faces, minds and hearts of His servants.
94. AL-HADI - The Guide.
He who guides, gives success and directs His servant to do things beneficial to others.
95. AL-BADI - The Incomparable.
He who creates wonders in the universe without any design.
96. AL-BAQI - The Everlasting.
97. AL-WARITH - The Supreme Inheritor.
He who has everlasting ownership of all things. Finite man only has temporary ownership and at death all creatures have nothing.
98. AR-RASHID - The Guide to the Right Path.
He who is the guide, with wisdom, to the right path according to His eternal plan.
99. AS-SABUR - The Patient.

Five Pillars Of Islam

Five Pillars Of Islam


{"I testify that there is none worthy of worship except God and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God."} This testament is a foundation for all other beliefs and practices in Islam.


(Namaaz) or ritual prayer, which must be performed five times a day. ( salah is done facing towards the Kaaba in Mecca. Salah is intended to focus the mind on God, and is seen as a personal communication with him that expresses gratitude and worship. Salah is compulsory but flexibility in the specifics is allowed depending on circumstances.

Every time Before Salah Starts there is a Adhan (call to prayer) are broadcast publicly from local mosques at the appropriate times. The prayers are recited in the Arabic Language.


Alms-giving. This is the practice of giving based on accumulated wealth, and is obligatory for all Muslims who can afford it. A fixed portion is spent to help the poor or needy, and also to assist the spread of Islam.


fasting during the month of Ramadan. Muslims must not eat or drink (among other things) from dawn to dusk during this month, and must be mindful of other sins. The fast is to encourage a feeling of nearness to God, and during it Muslims should express their gratitude for and dependence on him, atone for their past sins, and think of the needy. Sawm is not obligatory for several groups for whom it would constitute an undue burden. For others, flexibility is allowed depending on circumstances, but missed fasts usually must be made up quickly.

5.The Hajj

Which is the pilgrimage during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah in the city of Mecca. Every able-bodied Muslim who can afford it must make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in his or her lifetime. When the pilgrim is about ten kilometers from Mecca, he must dress in Ihram clothing, which consists of two white seamless sheets. Rituals of the Hajj include walking seven times around the Kaaba, touching the Black Stone, running seven times between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, and symbolically stoning the Devil in Mina.

What is ISLAM?

The first thing that one should know and clearly understand about Islam is what the word "Islam" itself means. The religion of Islam is not named after a person as in the case of Christianity which was named after Jesus Christ, Buddhism after Gotama Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, and Marxism after Karl Marx. Nor was it named after a tribe like Judaism after the tribe of Judah and Hinduism after the Hindus. Islam is the true religion of "Allah" and as such, its name represents the central principle of Allah's "God's" religion; the total submission to the will of Allah "God". The Arabic word "Islam" means the submission or surrender of one's will to the only true god worthy of worship "Allah" and anyone who does so is termed a "Muslim", The word also implies "peace" which is the natural consequence of total submission to the will of Allah. Hence, it was not a new religion brought by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) I in Arabia in the seventh century, but only the true religion of Allah re-expressed in its final form.

Islam is the religion which was given to Adam, the first man and the first prophet of Allah, and it was the religion of all the prophets sent by Allah to mankind. The name of God's religion lslam was not decided upon by later generations of man. It was chosen by Allah Himself and clearly mentioned in His final revelation to man. In the final book of divine revelation, the Qur'aan, Allah states the following:

"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion". (Soorah Al-Maa'idah 5:3)

"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah (God) never will It be accepted of Him" (Soorah Aal'imraan 3:85)

"Abraham was not a Jew nor Christian; but an upright Muslim." (Soorah Aal'imraan 3:67)